The Cost of Drug Abuse in the Workplace

The cost of substance abuse in the United States is significant. Having an individualized drug-free workplace program for your company will help address workplace safety concerns, help promote a drug-free work environment, and help your company save money. By drug testing your employees, you can help your workplace have better employee attendance and productivity. In the US, there is an estimated $25 billion dollars each year spent on healthcare costs related to drug abuse. By having a drug-free workplace policy, your employees can understand your company policies related to drug & alcohol use. The cost of substance abuse in the workplace is nothing to ignore. It is estimated that 70% of Americans who are currently working, use illegal drugs. Don’t let your company be one that allows drug use in the workplace!

So, how much does substance abuse cost the US?

cost of drug abuse in the workplace infographic

Drug abuse can affect workplace attendance, productivity, and healthcare costs. How much does drug abuse cost U.S. Employers?

Drug Abuse Costs Employers $81 Billion Per Year

Researchers estimate that lost work, healthcare costs, and lost productivity cost businesses $81 billion every year.

Lost Productivity Costs

Lost productivity and absenteeism at work due to drug abuse cost employers an estimated $25.5 billion each year.

Healthcare Costs

Healthcare costs associated with drug abuse are an estimated $25 billion every year.

Workplace Theft

A 1994 publication found that 80% of drug abusers supported their drug use by stealing from their work.

How Common is Drug Abuse at Work?

It's estimated that 70% of Americans who use illegal drugs are currently employed in the workforce.

If you've ever wondered, "How much does addiction cost the United States?" now you know! Drug testing is the first step toward preventing or identifying drug abuse in the workplace. To learn more about how to implement a drug-free workplace policy and find drug testing locations near you, contact us at 866-566-0261 today.

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