Non-DOT Random/Consortium Drug Testing

Enroll into a Non-DOT Random Consortium Today

Last Updated: December 12, 2023

  • Random drug testing can prevent injuries, save lives, and reduce employer responsibility.
  • Some cities/states limit or prohibit random drug testing.
  • US Drug Test Centers ensures testing is 100% random for non-DOT and DOT companies.

Non-DOT Employers

Jonathan Baktari, MD / CEO of US Drug Test Centers

Who is required to be in a consortium?

Any company or entity covered under the Department of Transportation or DOT is required to adhere to random drug and/or alcohol testing and be apart of some type of random testing pool whether the consortium pool is made up of several employers and their employees or just one employer and that employer's employees only. DOT agencies required to adhere to such testing include FMCSA, FAA, FRA, FTA, PHMSA and even the USCG which complies with DOT rules and regulations. For more information, contact US Drug Test Centers today!

What are the DOT consortium random testing rates?

As of January 6th, 2023 the DOT random testing rates are as follows, per year: FMCSA and FTA requre 50% of the consortium to be tested for drugs and 10% of the consortium to be tested for alcohol, through a breath alcohol device. The FAA requires 25% to be tested for drugs and 10% to be tested for alcohol. PHMSA does not have an alcohol testing requirement but does require 25% of the consortium to be tested for drugs. The FRA has 3 different testing requirements. For covered service and maintenace of way, the testing rates are 25% for drugs and 10% for alcohol. For Mechanical, the testing rates are 50% for drugs and 25% for alcohol. For more information, contact US Drug Test Centers today!

Although not required by regulation, many non-DOT or non-regulated employers often conduct random drug and alcohol testing. These non-DOT programs and the non-regulated drug screen can be customized and managed by US Drug Test Centers, with non-DOT alcohol test and drug tests available in all areas of the United States.

Why conduct random drug testing? Here are just a few reasons to order a non-DOT drug screen.

  • It saves lives and prevents injuries.
  • It helps employers identify workers with substance abuse issues and facilitate their treatment.
  • It allows employees to easily say no to illegal drug use. "No, thanks. They drug test at work.”
  • It reduces employer liability.
  • It's a fair way of testing.

In some states, there may be some prohibitions against random testing of non-safety sensitive employees. Compliance experts at US Drug Test Centers can assist with the legality of random drug and alcohol testing in your state, including a non-regulated drug screen.

Non-DOT drug screening, random testing, and non-DOT alcohol testing are performed on an unannounced, unpredictable basis on employees whose identifying information (e.g., social security number or employee number) has been placed in a testing pool from which a scientifically arbitrary selection is made. This selection for non-regulated drug screening is usually computer-generated to ensure that it is indeed random and that each person in the workforce population has an equal chance of being selected for a non-DOT alcohol test or drug test, regardless of whether that person was recently tested or not. Because this type of testing has no advance notice, it serves as a deterrent.

US Drug Test Centers can assist employers with a customized random drug testing program and non-DOT random alcohol testing fully managed with quick and easy implementation. With our help, drug screening non-DOT and random drug screening are easier than ever before.

Caution to employers is advised for drug screening non-DOT. Many times, we get an employer calling to ask for assistance with conducting a random test on an employee who the employer thinks is acting funny or perhaps using illicit drugs. It's important to note that this is not a random drug test; there is nothing random about it. This type of test is called a reasonable suspicion drug test.

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US Drug Test Centers is conveniently situated in more than 20,000 locations around the country. Call 866-566-0261 or order your test online!

States that Limit Random Drug Testing to Safety-Sensitive Workers

  • Alaska
  • California
  • District of Columbia
  • Maine
  • Massachusetts
  • Minnesota
  • Montana
  • New Jersey
  • West Virginia*

*In West Virginia, mining employees' random drug testing must cover at least 25% of employees and occur at least four times a year.

Cities/States that Prohibit Random Drug Testing

  • San Francisco, CA
  • Boulder, CO
  • Rhode Island
  • Vermont

Random drug and alcohol testing should always be conducted with a scientifically valid method to select employees for testing. 

DOT Random Testing Programs

If your company qualifies for a Department of Transportation program, we provide drug and alcohol random testing programs for both owner-operators and companies.

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