DOT Testing and Services - DOT Drug Testing and Full DOT Compliance

The services we offer for your DOT-regulated company are:

  • Developing your policy for a drug-free workplace.
  • Implementing procedures for collection of samples and conducting drug and alcohol tests for drivers.
  • Ensuring verification of all test results by a medical review officer (MRO).
  • Educating your designated employer representative with necessary training.

Jonathan Baktari, MD / CEO of US Drug Test Centers

DOT Drug Testing - The ins and outs!

What is the difference between a DOT and NON DOT drug test?

DOT tests are always performed through provided a urine sample and if they are required to perform an alcohol test, this is done using a breath alcohol device. The only option for DOT drug testing is the 5 panel. The DOT requires a document called the Federal Drug Testing Control and Custody Form or CCF. All DOT drug testing is required to be tested by a SAMHSA certified laboratory and instant drug testing is not an option. NON-DOT drug tests may use urine, saliva, or hair based on the state's regulations. There are instant urine drug testing options where a urine sample can be collected, and negative results reported the same day. NON-DOT drug tests can allow the donor to be tested for just 1 individual drug or many drugs, based on the panel they choose. For more information, contact US Drug Test Centers today!

What agencies are covered under the Department of Transportation?

The Department of Transportant agencies include the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, Federal Aviation Administration, Federal Railroad Administration, Federal Transit Administration, Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration and the US Coast Guard. All of these agencies are required to be enrolled into a random drug and sometimes alcohol random testing program. US Drug Test Centers is able to help you as an owner operator our your company stay in compliance with all DOT drug and alcohol testing regulations by offering random consortium services, creating policy manuals, allowing access to testing at over 20,000 locations nationwide and much more! Contact us today for more information.

Have you been searching online for a "DOT drug test near me"? Does your business fall under the jurisdiction of the Department of Transportation? Do you need DOT drug testing? US Drug Test Centers is a professional at establishing and administering DOT-compliant testing programs for any business in the transportation industry. We’re a consortium and third-party administrator, and we can manage your entire drug testing process from start to finish.

If you are a DOT-regulated company required to have a DOT-compliant drug and alcohol program in place, we can provide your business with complete driver drug testing, the DOT alcohol test, and program services. These include:

Managing Your Driver Drug and Alcohol Test Program

We strictly adhere to DOT compliance standards in all of our testing, which means when you use US Drug Test Centers, you can rest assured that your program will pass a DOT audit at any time. If you have employees fulfilling safety-sensitive roles within your business, we will help you develop a drug-free workplace program so that you and your staff are prepared for even random DOT urine test and breath alcohol tests requested by DOT. (If you've been asking, "Where is there a DOT urine test near me?" we can help!)

We handle workplace safety with the utmost care. Unlike other medical facilities that simply offer standard drug testing, we are qualified to offer DOT-compliant testing with all the required components. This is vital for businesses within the:

Safety-sensitive employees are subject to drug or alcohol testing in the following situations:

  • DOT pre employment drug test
  • Reasonable suspicion
  • At random
  • Return-to-duty
  • Follow-up
  • Post-accident

DOT Company and Owner-Operator Random Programs

dot owner-operator truck driver

US Drug Test Centers can assist companies and owner-operators in all areas of the United States, for immediate compliance with DOT FMCSA regulations for drug and alcohol testing. We offer enrollment for DOT companies and owner-operators in our drug and alcohol random consortium. We provide you with an enrollment certificate, drug testing information on the program, and access to our 20,000+ collection sites for testing in case you need a pre-employment DOT drug test, random, or post-accident drug or alcohol test.

Our random testing programs are available for truck drivers, bus companies, private fleets, for-hire carriers, and more.

Always Staying One Step Ahead

The drug and alcohol testing industry has seen many new changes such as new drug testing collection methods, updated regulations and heightened enforcement of those regulations, state-specific law changes and much more. One of the paramount changes in the drug and alcohol testing world is the long-awaited approval of oral fluid drug testing for the United States Department of Transportation (DOT) which went into effect June 1, 2023. 

While approved, oral fluid drug testing will not be available until what is expected to be quarter three or quarter four of 2024. Availability for oral fluid  testing will come once at least two laboratories are certified by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration or SAMHSA and both laboratories are using the same collection device. One lab must be available for initial testing and one lab for split specimen retest requests. Although testing is not currently available, it is critical that collection sites, employers and third-party administrators (TPAs) begin preparing for this process now.

  • Collectors must ensure they complete separate training and qualification for oral fluid collections including mock collections for oral fluid.
  • Employers must begin developing "standing orders" and providing these orders to their preferred collection facilities. Standing orders will provide collectors with instructions on use of urine or oral fluid and when to switch from urine to oral fluid or oral fluid to urine under different circumstances.
  • TPAs are encouraged to work with their employer clients to establish these standing orders and ensure they maintain them in their own records and provide them to their preferred collection facilities. If the process is not currently in place, TPAs should also begin collecting direct DER contact information for all employer clients. The DER's contact phone number should be a number where the DER can be reached 24/7 by a collection facility, should further instructions be needed during the collection of a urine or oral fluid sample. 
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If you're ready to take the next step or you have questions, just call 866-566-0261 or order your test online today!

New to Come in 2024: California and Washington Marijuana Laws

Another ground-breaking change that will be seen in 2024 closely involves employers and employees drug testing in the states of California and Washington. Beginning January 1, 2024, employers will be prohibited from testing for marijuana in California and Washington. The states' new laws guarantee employers cannot discriminate against job applicants in Washington and current employees and new job applicants in California for legally utilizing marijuana or cannabis away from the workplace, on personal time. 

Employers drug testing in the states of California and Washington will soon be unable to depend on urine testing considering urine tests will only identify the existence of metabolites of cannabis in a sample. Employers will be obligated to transition to an alternative method of collection that detects the parent drug or the drug itself rather than just a metabolite of the drug. An acceptable method of collection will be oral fluid. One very important thing to keep in mind, however, is that employers regulated by the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) will still be able to (and still be required to) test their safety-sensitive employees for marijuana. Urine testing regulations will not be changing for this level of workplace. 

New to Come in 2024: FMCSA Clearinghouse

How is the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) continuing to maximize safety? More coverage! As of November 18, 2024, agencies issuing state driver's licenses will be required to conduct queries in the FMCSA Clearinghouse system. This process must be administered prior to issuing, renewing or upgrading a Commercial Drivers License (CDL). These agencies will also hold responsibility for downgrading CDL license holders that have a drug and/or alcohol violation uncovered in the FMCSA Clearinghouse database. Currently, employers or third-party administrators (TPAs) are the responsible parties conducting queries on behalf of a CDL driver. This new policy is designed to avoid employers from putting safety-sensitive drivers to work on the road when they may have a drug and/or alcohol violation on record in the Clearinghouse.  

FMCSA Drug and Alcohol Testing

fmcsa owner-operator truck driver

Are you looking online for "DOT drug screening near me"? FMCSA requires all drivers to have pre-employment drug testing and be enrolled in a random drug and alcohol testing program. When utilizing US Drug Test Centers for your drug and alcohol testing program, you can be confident you are in compliance. Our team will assist you with your new entrant exam or any future audit of the drug and alcohol testing program. Random testing and reasonable suspicion testing are important components of your program. It's critical to have a knowledgeable provider to assist so that you are in compliance. Employers can be held responsible for service agent errors, resulting in civil penalty actions for noncompliance, even if the issues are caused by your drug testing provider.

FAA Drug and Alcohol Testing

FAA airplane drug and alcohol testing

Starting an FAA drug and alcohol testing program is not an easy task. US Drug Test Centers can provide expert assistance to get you started and will implement the DOT drug screening requirements of the drug and alcohol testing program for you, the employer. It's not just airlines that must implement the FAA required drug and alcohol testing regulations. The Federal Aviation Administration's drug and alcohol testing regulations (14 CFR part 120) require any part 119 certificate holder that is authorized to operate under parts 121 and/or 135 to ensure that any person who performs safety-sensitive functions (e.g., maintenance or preventive maintenance), directly or by contract (including by subcontract at any tier), is subject to drug and alcohol testing. If you've been looking online for a "DOT drug screen near me," click below.

FTA Drug and Alcohol Testing

fta subway drug and alcohol testing

Having difficulty finding DOT drug and alcohol testing "near me" online? US Drug Test Centers is a consortium and third party administrator (C/TPA) administering DOT drug screening and DOT alcohol testing programs for FTA-regulated employers. We can manage the entire drug testing process, including written policy and drug testing with the collection, laboratory, and medical review officer (MRO). It's important that the policy for a Federal Transit Administration agency be reviewed and approved by the local governing board of the employer or operator, or another responsible individual with appropriate delegation of authority. The FTA has very strict rules and guidelines regarding post-accident testing and requirements for training. US Drug Test Centers can help your company set everything up.

USCG Drug Testing

USCG medals on jacket

Employers regulated by the United States Coast Guard (USCG) are required under Homeland Security regulations to maintain a drug and alcohol testing program. Formerly under DOT, the Coast Guard employers do still follow DOT regulations — 49 CFR Part 40 — under a memorandum of agreement between the Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Transportation. Those applying for a Captains license or other merchant mariner credential need initial drug test and periodic drug testing every two years. Only a DOT 5 panel (SAMHSA 5 panel, formerly NIDA 5) testing for marijuana, cocaine, opiates, phencyclidine (PCP), and amphetamines will be accepted. (If you've been looking online for a "DOT 5 panel drug test near me," you're in luck! Learn more about the USCG DOT drug and alcohol testing.)

FRA Drug and Alcohol Testing

FRA railroad drug and alcohol testing

US Drug Test Centers provides drug and alcohol testing, random programs, and training for Federal Railroad Administration companies. FRA-regulated employers must follow guidelines for drug and alcohol testing from DOT rule 49 CFR Part 40 and from FRA rule Part 219. The FRA has designated its safety-sensitive employees to be those who perform service covered under the hours of service laws (covered service). This includes “contracted” hours of service employees and also individuals who may volunteer to perform hours of service duties for a railroad. Learn more about this DOT drug screen.

PHMSA Drug Testing

PHMSA workers drug testing

If you've been googling "DOT drug testing near me," "Where are there DOT drug testing facilities near me?" or "DOT alcohol testing near me," look no further. US Drug Test Centers is able to help you manage your PHMSA DOT company by providing drug testing and compliance manual services. The Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) operates in a dynamic and challenging environment. The scope and complexity of their safety mission will continue to grow, requiring that they fundamentally rethink how they will use data, information, and technology to achieve their safety goals. Employers regulated by the PHMSA must follow the Department of Transportation drug test and alcohol testing rules 49 CFR Part 40 and must follow also the specific PHMSA agency rule 49 CFR Part 199. US Drug Test Centers makes available services for complete compliance with Part 40 and Part 199.

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