US Drug Test Centers Blog

We Can Do Date Rape and Club Drug Testing | US Drug Test Centers

Posted: Apr 24 2017

By: Ashlee Arnold

Date rape is defined as rape that takes place after individuals agree to social engagement. Rape refers to oral, vaginal, or anal penetration using threat of force or force. It's an act of violence motivated by control and power. Many of these rapes go unreported since many women are fearful that they will be somehow blamed or that they will not be believed.

Victims of date rape can be either male or female. Alcohol and drugs play a significant role in date rape, with statistics showing that more than 75% of date rapes involved alcohol and drugs. Poor judgment and miscommunication are usually associated with excessive use of these substances. Alcohol consumption also leads to a decrease in sensitivity and increased aggression in some people.

Men victims of rape attest that these happenings occur while they are under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Many women report that they were unable to assess what was happening accurately and/or if they did, it was usually too late. On the other hand, a man who consumed too much alcohol or other drugs finds it difficult to interpret messages from women. It should, however, be noted that date rape can and still does occur without the involvement of alcohol or drugs.

These drugs can be slipped into someone's drink when he/she is not looking. They often have no smell, color, or taste; therefore, one cannot tell if he/she is being drugged. These drugs make people weak and confused or even make one pass out. As such, one is unable or cannot refuse sex. Additionally, if one has been drugged, he/she might not remember what happened while they were drugged.

Victims of date rape drugs need drug testing and time is of the essence under such circumstances.

cocktailsDrugs Commonly Used for Date Rape

Different drugs are used for date rape. Some of these are:

Ecstasy – MDMA

This can be easily slipped into a person's drink. The drug lowers an individual’s ability to give reasoned consent, and once one is under the influence of the drug, he/she is less able to sense danger or resist a sexual assault.


Also called wolfies, lunch money drug, la rocha, R-2, circles, pingus, roofies, forget me pill, rophies, roach, robutal, roapies, ruffles, and rowshay.

The drug comes as a pill that dissolves in liquids. Some pills are small, round, and white while newer ones are oval and green-gray in color. Once slipped into a drink, a dye in the drug turns clear liquids bright blue and darker ones cloudy. The color change may be hard to see in dark drinks like dark beer or cola, or in a dark room.

Rohypnol is illegal in the US. Its effects are felt within 30 minutes of taking the drug and last for several hours. Once drugged, an individual might look and act like someone who is drunk. As such, he /she will have trouble standing, may have slurred speech, and could pass out.

The trade name for Rohypnol is Flunitrazepam (a central nervous system depressant) in the class of drugs known as benzodiazepines.

Gamma Hydroxybutyric Acid (GHB)

Also known as bedtime scoop, cherry meth, energy drink, Georgia home boy, G, G-juice, Gamma 10, goop, gook, grievous bodily harm (GBH), great hormones, liquid ecstasy, liquid E, liquid X, salt water, PM, soap, somatomax, and vita-G.

The drug is very potent and a small amount can have a big effect, making it easy to overdose on. The effects of the drug can last for three to four hours. In low doses, GHB results in drowsiness, visual distortion, and nausea. At high doses, it can result in unconsciousness, slowed heart rate, seizures, severe respiratory depression, vomiting, nausea, decreased body temperature, coma, or death.


Also known as special K, K, vitamin K, jet, ketaset, super acid, and mauve. It comes as a white powder or a liquid. Once you ingest the drug, you may not remember what happened when you were drugged.

The drug is considered a dissociative anesthetic, which means that it distorts the user's perception of sound and sight and produces feelings of detachment from oneself and the environment. It leaves the user helpless and/or confused causing difficulty with balance, muscle weakness, numbness, and impaired vision.

blurry cabDate Rape Drug Testing

Urine or hair testing can be used for date rape drugs. Time is of the essence for urine testing. US Drug Test Centers has a working relationship with a specialty lab for date rape drug testing.

Urine Test – Comprehensive Date Rape Panel

  • GHB
  • Benzodiazepines: flunitrazepam, alprazolam, diazepam, among others
  • Barbiturates: phenobarbitol, pentobarbital, among others
  • Opioids: codeine, morphine, oxycodone, hydrocodone, among others
  • Sedatives/Hypnotics: ketamine, zopiclone, methaqualone, and zolpidem
  • Over-the-counter drugs: diphenhydramine, promethazine, pheniramine, among others
  • Muscle relaxants: carisoprodol, methocarbamol, among others
  • Hallucinogens: PCP, ecstasy (MDMA, MEA, and MDA)
  • Cannabinoids (carboxy-THC)

A urine specimen must be collected within five (5) days of exposure to the drug.

Hair Test – Comprehensive Date Rape Panel

  • GHB
  • Barbiturates
  • Benzodiazepines
  • Opioids
  • Sedatives/hypnotics
  • Over-the-counter drugs
  • Muscle relaxants
  • Hallucinogens and stimulants

For hair testing for date rape drugs, you should plan on a seven to 10 business day turnaround.

Call US Drug Test Centers at 866-566-0261 for drug testing services for date rape drugs. Our drug testing facilities are available all over the United States and one should call as soon as he/she suspects date rape drugs.

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