When looking to hire individuals that will contribute to the success of your business, you'll need to appeal to quality candidates. One of the simplest ways to do that is by creating a safe work atmosphere, which can be done by implementing a drug-free workplace policy for prospective and current employees.
Many productive members of the workforce are more comfortable knowing that their employer has a drug-free work environment because it promotes safety on the job. In industries where heavy machinery is used, this is especially true.
With a drug testing policy in place, your business can reduce or possibly prevent expenses associated with drug abuse among employees. These expenses have been estimated to cost employers $81 billion dollars every year, according to the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (NCADD). Some of these expenses are due to work-related accidents and worker's compensation claims, which are more likely to occur when an employee has been using drugs.
Another benefit of drug testing is a boost in productivity. Drug-free employees are less likely to miss work than those who have used drugs. Also, employees with a history of drug abuse have a much higher turnover rate than their drug-free counterparts. Finding the right candidates the first time can significantly reduce hiring costs.
Businesses that receive federal funding, whether through contract or grants, are required to perform employee drug screening. If you do not, you can lose funding or be fined.
As you can see, drug testing can increase safety and productivity while decreasing employer expenses, which will make your business more successful.
Managing a substance-free work environment can be an overwhelming responsibility, especially since you need to simultaneously worry about running your business. That's where we come in.
How US Drug Test Centers Can Help Keep Your Business Drug-Free
US Drug Test Centers offers easy employee drug testing solutions, including:
- Help to create your drug-free workplace policy
- Drug-free workplace training
- A wide variety of drug test panels
- SAMHSA-certified laboratories
Your Drug-Free Workplace Policy
Having a reliable drug-free workplace policy is crucial to your business. Not only does it protect you, the employer, from potential liabilities, but it also makes it clear to your team what the rules are, what's expected of them, and what the potential consequences are of disobeying these rules.
A Variety of Drug and Alcohol Testing Panels to Choose From
You can choose from our wide selection of panels, which are available for viewing on our website. If you don't see the one you need, ask us about customizing a panel specifically for you.
Training for You and Your Staff
The responsibility of keeping your business drug-free doesn't have to be yours alone. US Drug Test Centers can train your staff to assist you, by teaching them the signs of impairment to look out for and also how to handle employees who they suspect might be under the influencer.
Working With SAMHSA-Certified Laboratories
SAMHSA-certified laboratories undergo rigorous inspections and are held to the highest of standards. Furthermore, we'll have our medical review officer (MRO) review and verify your drug and alcohol test results to guarantee accuracy.
Are you ready to take action? You can easily order a test online, or call us today for more information at 866-566-0261.