CBD, also called cannabidiol or cannabinoid, has grown in recent years to become the all-natural, go-to home remedy. Many people are attesting to its efficacy to cure certain medical conditions and improve their overall health and well-being. Companies have jumped into creating CBD-infused products like bath salts, coffee, lotions, oils, pet treats, shampoos, and more. There's no wonder why more and more people are eager to try CBD products and experience their reported benefits.
However, no matter how beneficial and helpful CBD products may be, they may also come with a few undesired side effects – just like most drugs and medical substances. While we've cleared up some questions about CBD previously, we're here to tackle a bigger, highly-debated concern circulating now about CBD oils – can it really cause headaches?
Let's take a closer look.
What is CBD Oil?
CBD is a compound found in cannabis plants. CBD oil contains a certain concentration of CBD but is non-addictive and non-psychoactive. It’s also considered the safer and more reliable alternative to THC. It provides the same therapeutic benefits but without affecting your consciousness, frame of mind, perception, or sensory awareness.
According to research, the human body naturally produces cannabinoids. What CBD does is encourage the body to produce more of it by sending signals to the endocannabinoid system. In effect, it helps regulate your appetite, mood, immune system, sensory processing, and sleep patterns.
Plus, CBD is found to have neuroprotective and anti-inflammatory effects that help maintain the body's homeostasis.
CBD Uses and Benefits
CBD oil is used in a variety of applications and is claimed to provide a range of health benefits. These include:
- Alleviating arthritis pain
- Improving acne and skin conditions
- Improving sleep quality
- Managing PTSD
- Minimizing anxiety and insomnia
- Reducing drug and nicotine cravings
- Relieving inflammation and pains
- Suppressing seizures
- Treating epilepsy syndromes and other neuropsychiatric disorders
It's important to note that research and clinical trials on CBD are new and ongoing. While the World Health Organization deems it to be safe (thus far), there is still no guarantee on how effectively it can treat certain illnesses or how beneficial it can be for health conditions.
CBD Risks and Side Effects
Yes, CBD is natural and comes from a plant. But that doesn’t mean it can’t have adverse side effects. And just like any other drug, medication, or consumable substance, CBD oil can impact people differently.
According to cannabis and cannabinoid research, CBD may cause diarrhea, fatigue, fluctuating appetite, and weight issues. Another report posits that it can lead to dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth, hypertension, light-headedness, nausea, and psychomotor slowing.
While no study has found any evidence about it to date, some people claim that they have developed headaches specifically from CBD oil. This led to a widely debated question as to whether or not CBD truly causes head pains.
Can CBD Oil Cause Headaches?
If you're experiencing headaches or migraines as a side effect, it's possible that you've consumed a lower quality CBD product that contains solvents and chemicals. Since the CBD industry remains unregulated, some manufacturers tend to overlook the quality of their products to make them more cost-effective.
And these filler ingredients could be the cause of your headaches. That's why it's important to educate yourself on high-quality CBD products and to buy them from legitimate or registered dealers.
Another possible reason for feeling head pain may be the size of your dosage. While there aren't any conclusive reports on the right dosage for CBD oil just yet, consuming too much of it in one sitting can have adverse effects, especially if you're new to it. It's best that you start with a small dose and allow your body to get used to the CBD oil before increasing to the dose size that will help achieve your desired effects.
To be clear, there are still no conclusive reports as to whether or not CBD oils cause headaches for consumers. But to minimize the risk of developing head pain from these products, it's recommended that you choose high-quality products and use the minimal dosage to start.
The Important Takeaway
Remember that the whole CBD industry is still a work in progress. While there have been significant breakthroughs and promising opportunities recently, more scientific data and evidence are needed to back up CBD as a viable medical treatment. This also means that no one knows just yet the proper dosages, full benefits, effects, and risks of consuming CBD products, especially in the long-term.
As responsible consumers, it's important that you use CBD oils with caution as people can respond to them differently. Always research the possible effects of the CBD oils you're using. And be sure to carefully read labels and packaging to verify the authenticity and quality of the products.
Additionally, always consult with your doctors or medical professionals before trying CBD products or adding them into your daily health routine. It's safer to know ahead that these won't affect any current medications you're taking, supplements you're using, or conditions you may have.
Importantly, remember this: Just because something comes from nature doesn't mean that it's safe to consume. This includes CBD and THC. Do your research, find brands that you can trust, start small, and always do this under the guidance of a medical professional.
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