US Drug Test Centers Blog

Date Rape Drugs: Types, Symptoms, Side Effects, Prevention

Posted: Jul 26 2023

By: Angela Pedrol

Date rape drugs might be more common than we think. In fact, research once told us that around one-third of sexual assault cases involved date rape drugs.

What are the most common date rape drugs? What do they do to the body? If you think you've been poisoned and sexually assaulted, what should you do? And importantly, how can you reduce your risk of being poisoned with date rape drugs and becoming a victim?

What is Date Rape?

Before we get into date rape drugs, let's talk about date rape itself.

Date rape refers to nonconsensual intercourse between two individuals who are considered acquaintances. It often happens during or after a social activity, such as going to a bar or club. The use of a date rape drug (or alcohol) helps to lower the victim's inhibitions and make them easier to control.

Even though it can happen with people who know each other, we want to emphasize that date rape is still sexual assault.

3 Common Types of Date Rape Drugs

A date rape drug is often used by a perpetrator in order to commit sexual assault. This is because, due to what these drugs do to the body, they make sexual assault easier.

There are three specific date rape drugs we're going to focus on that commonly appear in cases of drug facilitated sexual assault:

  • Rohypnol, also called "roofies"
  • Ketamine
  • Gamma hydroxybutyrate/gamma hydroxybutyric acid, also called GHB

1. Rohypnol

Rohypnol is incredibly potent. In fact, it's 10 times more powerful than valium, so it's dangerous even at low doses. That's why Rohypnol is one of the most common date rape drugs used to facilitate sexual assault. The victim might lose control of their muscles, feel confused or drowsy, experience a loss of consciousness, or suffer from amnesia. Other warning signs include an upset stomach, headache, tremors, and a slow reaction time.

Out of the most common date rape drugs, Rohypnol might be the easiest to spot. It's currently manufactured as an olive green tablet. If Rohypnol is dissolved into a lighter-colored drink, it might dye the drink blue (but not always).

bartender pouring drink

Learn more about Rohypnol drug testing.

2. Ketamine

In addition to being a common date rape drug, ketamine is a well-known street drug. It sometimes goes by the names Vitamin K or Special K. Ketamine triggers hallucinatory effects that are similar to PCP. Other signs include trouble breathing, seizures, and problems with coordination. Ketamine can be a clear liquid or a white/off-white powder.

Learn more about street drug testing with US Drug Test Centers, which screens for ketamine.

3. GHB

Finally, we have gamma hydroxybutyric acid/GHB. GHB is a depressant that can make you feel euphoric and also cause hallucinations. Interestingly, it's available by prescription — GHB is sometimes used to treat sleep disorders. However, it can be deadly if misused since even small doses can be toxic.

Additionally, GHB sometimes induces slowed breathing, nausea, agitation, and a loss of coordination in victims. GHB is a colorless, odorless liquid, making it easy for perpetrators to put it in someone's drink. GHB is sometimes referred to as liquid ecstasy or liquid e.

In addition to our Rohypnol drug testing and street drug testing, you can find these and other drugs in our specialty drug testing and club drugs testing.

The Role of Alcohol

We'd be remiss if we didn't at least briefly discuss the prominent role that alcohol plays in nonconsensual sexual activity.

In fact, some people trying to commit sexual assault will use alcohol alone. They might purposely target someone who has been drinking or nudge them to drink more than they normally would.

And in combination, drugs and alcohol pack a dangerous punch. While the exact experience will vary based on the substances, the individual, and the manner in which they consumed them, generally, combining drugs and alcohol only makes the side effects even more dramatic than if only drugs or only alcohol were consumed.

How are Date Rape Drugs Used?

Date rape drugs have a considerable presence in bars and clubs. Alcohol is very often involved. That's why, as we've mentioned, date rape drugs are often dropped into a person's drink or even punch bowls. Victims usually have no idea that something was mixed in their alcohol.

woman pouring a drink from a punch bowl

Was I Drugged?

Maybe you went out last night, had a few too many drinks, and woke up feeling... funny... unable to remember what happened. How can you tell if you were drugged last night? What if a drug was left in your alcohol?

Common Symptoms

Think about how you felt last night. If you can't remember, ask someone who was with you. If you experienced any of the following symptoms, you might have been drugged:

  • Trouble breathing
  • Fatigue
  • Hallucinations
  • Loss of muscle control
  • Abrupt and noticeable changes in body temperature
  • Sudden aggression

Also, think of any unexplained signs of intoxication. For instance, if you only had one drink but you were slurring your words, something might not be adding up.

What Do I Do if I Think I Was Drugged?

If you're unable to remember what happened and suspect you might've been drugged, it's crucial to get to your doctor or the emergency room as quickly as possible to receive medical care. If you can, get a trusted friend to come with you as a second pair of ears.

Be mindful of the time because the drugs will eventually leave your system. That's why it's important to get a drug test as soon as possible. 

Most hospitals and doctors' offices do not conduct testing for specialty substances or date rape substances. So, visit a testing location like US Drug Test Centers to get the panels you need.

If you think you might've been sexually assaulted, do not change clothes. They might hold evidence of what you just experienced.

The Victim is Not to Blame!

Remember that just because you were drinking doesn't mean you "asked" for it. What happened was a crime. If you were not able to clearly and coherently say "yes" to what happened, then it's assault. Victims are not to blame.

Furthermore, getting prompt medical attention is of utmost importance.


Note: If you think you were assaulted and you're struggling, reach out to the National Sexual Assault Hotline. They offer confidential, 24/7 support.

How Can I Avoid Date Rape Drugs and Sexual Assault?

Drug-facilitated sexual assault is terrifying. Fortunately, there are simple things you can do to steer clear of any exposure to date rape drug and sexual assault.

  • If you're going to be drinking alcohol (or even water!), purchase and hold your own drinks. Watch as they're prepared and never leave your drink unattended.
  • Do not accept drinks from anyone else. Don't even let anyone else hold your drink.
  • When you're not drinking, hold the glass by the top so that the drink is covered and nothing can inconspicuously be mixed into it.
  • If your drink smells strange or tastes strange, alert someone immediately.
  • Tell your friends what your drink limit is, and get the same information from them.
  • Never go drinking with people you don't know, and don't go anywhere alone with them.

Assault Happens on Dates, Too

While drug use and sexual assaults commonly happen in public places, they can be a problem on dates, too. It's critical to take preventative measures. Read our blog on dating safety tips. These tips will help protect you against date rape drugs and sexual assault.

Drug Abuse: Getting Tested for Date Rape Drugs

US Drug Test Centers has more than 20,000 locations around the country. We're never more than a short drive away. Furthermore, you can order your test online in just a few clicks so that you can get screened as soon as possible.

Our street drug testing, specialty drug testing, and club drugs testing are all helpful if you suspect somebody drugged you. Contact us today or locate a testing center near you.

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