US Drug Test Centers Blog

How Long Does it Take to Get Drug Test Results? | US Drug Test Centers

Last Updated: Jul 29 2024

vials for drug testing

By: Ashlee Arnold

Employee drug testing is on the rise in the workplace. Companies aim to maintain a secure and drug-free setting for their staff. By conducting drug tests, employers can pinpoint employees who might require treatment for substance misuse.

Additionally, drug testing serves as a safeguard for employers against possible legal responsibility in the case of an accident. Whether you're anticipating the results of a drug test before making a hiring choice or if your employer mandates it, you might be curious about the duration it takes for the test results to be available. This waiting period can be quite vexing.

In general, the turnaround time for drug test results can vary depending on the type of drug test performed and what substances it was screening for. Read on to find out how long it takes to get the results of two common drug tests.

How Long it Takes to Get Common Drug Test Results

The two most common ways to screen for drugs and alcohol are via the urine and hair.

Urine Drug Tests

Urine drug tests typically have the shortest turnaround time, with results usually available within 24 to 48 hours. There are even instant urine drug tests that can generate results within minutes.

The urine drug test is the most common type and can be used to detect a variety of substances, including marijuana, cocaine, opiates, and amphetamines. This test can be performed in various settings, including workplaces, schools, and rehabilitation clinics. It's quick, easy, and noninvasive.

There are two types of urine drug tests. The first is the immunoassay test, a preliminary test that screens for the presence of drug metabolites in urine. The second type of urine drug test is the gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) test. This test is usually performed as a follow-up to the immunoassay test and can have a longer turnaround time. This is the more accurate urine drug test, as it can detect very small amounts of drug metabolites in the urine. While a GC/MS test can still give false-negative results, false-positives are generally rare.

Urine sample in a vial for testing

Most likely, if you're getting drug tested for work, they're going to ask you for a urine sample.

Hair Follicle Drug Tests

Hair follicle drug tests are the most accurate drug tests available and can detect drug use over a more extended period of time than other types of drug tests. However, they also have the longest turnaround time, typically taking seven to 10 days to get results.

Research has found that drug metabolites can appear in the hair follicles as early as one week after use. As the hair grows, these metabolites stay trapped in the core of the hair for a long time, making this type of test highly effective in detecting chronic substance use.

Hair tests, however, don't help detect spontaneous use or current impairment. Urine drug testing is more suitable for that (or a breathalyzer, for current impairment with alcohol).

While urine drug testing is the more popular of the two, we have indeed seen an increase in hair follicle drug testing, since it's more thorough and harder to cheat.

What Happens if You Fail a Drug Test?

If you fail a drug test, the consequences can vary depending on an employer's drug testing policies. There is no one-size-fits-all response.

If you took a drug screening for a pre-employment test and received a positive result, the company may not hire you. Some employers might give you a second chance and screen you again at a later date. Again, this comes down to their drug-free workplace policy.

If you're already employed, some employers may offer you help and allow you to enroll in a drug rehabilitation program. However, some companies have a zero-tolerance drug policy, so a positive test could mean your removal from the company. Some states have laws that protect employees from being terminated for failing a drug test, but this protection varies by state. Failing a drug test as an employee may subject you to probation or disciplinary action, including termination.

If you take a drug test as part of a criminal justice drug testing program and test positive, you could face fines, probation, and even imprisonment.

The consequences of failing a drug test depend on many factors and should always be discussed with legal authorities or your company's legal or HR department prior to taking the drug test. Keep in mind, too, that even if marijuana is legal in your state, it's still illegal on a federal level.

Marijuana and pipe on a table

The Bottom Line

The time it takes for drug test results to be available can differ based on the specific drug test being done, but you can usually expect to receive them within a week. Knowing when to expect your drug test results is crucial, as it helps you get ready and plan in advance, particularly when it comes to job testing. As the number of companies requiring drug tests for both current employees and applicants increases, the expected date for receiving your results is a key factor to consider when choosing a drug testing service.

 It would be ideal to find a service that can provide results within a day or the next business day. A fast turnaround for a drug test not only improves efficiency at work but also aids in the early detection and successful treatment of substance abuse issues. Looking for a fast and dependable drug test?

US Drug Test Centers, with their SAMHSA-certified labs, typically deliver negative results within the next business day, and positive results are double-checked for accuracy before being shared with you within a few days. Whether you're in need of a drug test for a job application or a legal requirement, reach out to US Drug Test Centers for assistance.

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