US Drug Test Centers Blog

US Drug Test Centers wants to keep you up to date on important things happening in the drug testing industry. Our blogs include anything from drug testing laws changing to staying up to date on trends in the industry. We update our blogs database 2-3 times per month to keep you up to date with current information.

By: Ashlee Arnold

When someone is dealing with heroin addiction, they tend to be focused on their next high, especially if their latest fix is wearing off. It's an ongoing problem within the United States and is steadily getting worse. However, what happens when...


By: Ashlee Arnold

It has been argued that if someone is old enough to die for their country at the age of 18, then they should be allowed to drink alcoholic beverages at that age. The minimum legal drinking age in the United States is 21 (in most states). In the...


By: Ashlee Arnold

Substance abuse comes in many forms. It isn't just alcohol and drugs that people have a hard time with. Sometimes, gambling and shopping can create the same euphoric pleasure within the mind of an addict. While shopping may seem innocent enough...


By: Ashlee Arnold

When it comes to drug testing for any reason outside of probation or parole, people immediately feel it infringes on their civil rights. Many people subjected to drug testing for various reasons, including applying for a job, often complain, and..


By: Ashlee Arnold

Alcohol-related crimes are rampant in America. The Department of Justice has created the Analysis of National Data on the Prevalence of Alcohol Involvement in Crime to analysis the ongoing problems with alcohol and committing crimes. Since 40% of.


By: Ashlee Arnold

What happens if your illicit substance abuse gets you in trouble at work? What happens when your random urinalysis tests positive for illicit drugs and you are terminated from your job? Can you collect unemployment benefits? If you are at fault...


By: Ashlee Arnold

It should be no surprise that since over half of the United States has legalized the use of medical marijuana as well as recreational use in more moderate states, that more and more people are unable to pass drug tests for job requirements. What..


By: Ashlee Arnold

Much of the country is now enjoying the freedom of using medical marijuana. Some states have even gone so far as allowing the use of recreational marijuana. Cannabis is big business. The cultivation and sales of marijuana are expected to gross...


By: Ashlee Arnold

Anyone who suffers from chronic pain will tell you how important it is to have a prescription of painkillers handy if they have a flare-up. Examples of chronic pain include lower back pain, bone pain, nerve pain, or muscle pain. Every patient is..


By: Ashlee Arnold

Along the lines of peer pressure, there is a substantial opportunity for college-age children to experiment with illegal substances and alcoholic beverages during their secondary education experience. Many teenagers in college will begin to...


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